Leaders in private golf club management


Golf services

 The private club “business” has changed more in the last 10 years than in the previous 100. Years of declining golf participation has led to numerous clubs unable to compete, due to deferred capital investment, unmanageable debt, and uncertain management. Few clubs have waiting lists. Food and Beverage has transitioned from a money maker to a loss at many clubs. Golf course maintenance expenses are increasing well beyond the ability of clubs to raise dues, and new technologies are expensive, confusing and often ineffective. The club has turned from a place of refuge to a second job for many members.

Stratford Golf is a leader in private club management with decades of experience. We specialize in the acquisition and turnaround of private clubs facing financial distress or simply looking to start enjoying their club again. We are among the best capitalized companies in the industry, but do not have a “one size fits all” approach. We work directly with the members to create customized solutions for each situation. We focus on long term solutions rather than short term band aids. 

If you’re interested in retaining Stratford Golf, please contact us.